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October Inspiration with Julie

by | Oct 24, 2022 | General

Well, October is just about over,
but I thought that I would share this idea about scrapping ourselves.
In 2010 I attended a monthly class to create a Book of Me.
I did this because I never scrap about myself
and I thought this would help with that.
Each month we had a prompt and the layout for that month
 was supplied by the teacher (Natalie May)
The album I used is 8″ x 8″
The prompts were
Me – this was the first page of the album and had a recent photo of me on it
Home – Things about where you live.
(Sorry about the glare on the photo)
Favourite Recipe
Favourite Things
Things I learned from my parents
(Once agin sorry for the glare. The journalling is printed on acetate)
A week in…
(once again the acetate has glare)
Favourite Place I’ve Been
Pictures of Me – From baby to now
Things About Me & In My Handbag
Goals for ….
Six things about now
There are six tags in the pockets with journalling on them
The reason I am sharing this with you is
you might like to use those prompts to create a book about you
This book is 12 years old now and I enjoyed looking back on it today
while I was photographing it for this post.
So while we are still in October and it is “All About Yourself”
why not get started on your album
Have fun
and see you next time


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