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Inspiration layout with Julie – different ways to use paint on your layouts

by | Sep 19, 2022 | General

Hi there
The focal product at Mystical Scrapbooks this month is paint
so I decided to create a layout using paint in different ways
I have dry brushed five colours of paint onto white cardstock to create the background
Then I stippled paint through a Colour Blast – Love and Grace stencil to add a little interest
I have used patterned papers from Uniquely Creatives Country Roads and Bella! Wedding
I have painted chipboard and also heat embossed chipboard.
The title is cut from black cardstock using an alpha die with a coat of Glossy Accents
A scribbly border was drawn around the layout using a black pen.
Here are a few suggestions of ways you could use paint on your projects:-
Paint metal embellishments
Colour chipboard
Apply through a stencil
Water down and use as a wash
Blending and shading
On Acetate
On Velum
Dry brushing
Add sand or other to give the paint texture
Apply with a palette knife
Detailing using a fine brush or paint pen
Add a watered down coat to loud patterned paper to tone it down
Colour your Texture/Modelling paste
Stamp using Foam Stamps
Heat emboss over paint
Here is my process video showing how I have used paint on this layout
Would love to hear of ways that you use paint on your projects.
Till next time
Stay safe


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